12 Rules For Mental Toughness By Matt Corvinus

12 Rules For Mental Toughness By Matt Corvinus

12 Rules For Mental Toughness By Matt Corvinus

12 Rules For Mental Toughness: A Simple Guide To Becoming Your Most Heroic Self, By Matt Corvinus

Would it not be fantastic to conquer fear and live an amazing life? A life where you do incredible things that are both exciting and have impact and meaning? Well, cliche alert, they say everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Some things are cliche only because they’re very true, and that’s the case here. While everyone tells you not to be afraid, how many people tell you how to live a life where fear doesn’t hold you back? That’s what this book teaches you.

Its purpose is to make you strong and effective enough to conquer fear and any other barrier that stands in your way. This isn’t just some gimmicky “you can do it, believe in yourself” B.S. Believe all you want, but you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t grow in competence and effectiveness.

This book is a simple and honest guide to changing how you approach life. It teaches not only to believe in yourself but to build yourself as well. To morph into your most badass and heroic self by rewiring your mind, body, and actions.

The toughest people in the world (e.g., marines) don’t become that way by believing in themselves. They train their a**es off, and then they believe in the product of their training.

This book will teach you concepts such as:

  • How not to fear failure,
  • How to solve your problems rather than worrying about them,
  • The three pillars of self-improvement,
  • How to get mentally and physically stronger,
  • To be more assertive,
  • Mental exercises for calmness,
  • Mental exercises for confidence,
  • competence and skill-building
  • And much more. And that’s not all.

No matter how tough you are, some things are beyond one person’s ability. For cases like this, this book teaches you how to form a great network of high-quality individuals to encourage and boost you, who you can encourage and boost in turn.

Listen, no hero is coming to save you. It would help if you rose to become your hero. Mental toughness isn’t in mindset alone. It’s also in conduct. If you are ready to think and to conduct yourself like your most heroic self, then take that journey today and let this book be your first step.

12 Rules For Mental Toughness By Matt Corvinus

About the Author

Hi, I’m a part-time non-fiction writer, and I write about a wide range of topics and concepts (or at least I plan to, I just finished my first book). I’m passionate about Business, Philosophy, History, Psychology, and Self Improvement. I believe passionately in the strength of human beings.

When our potential is unleashed, we change the face of the world – for good or ill. I often say that the reason we aren’t immortal gods is that we haven’t yet learned how – not because it’s impossible.

A thousand years ago, the idea of humans flying would have been preposterous, but we learned how, and now humans can fly even faster than the speed of sound.

Our species has more firepower at its command than the ancient myths ascribe to Zeus and Odin. We can send and receive visions without the need for elaborate rituals (all we have to do is hit “send”).

We can take damaged organs out of people and put in new ones. We’re already quite godlike if you really think about it. This keen awareness of Human Potential has led me to study human beings.

I like to learn about how we work / function, what we have done, what we can do, how we can improve ourselves for the better, and take better care of ourselves and our world. I hope to help people change and improve their lives with my writing. I hope to improve peoples’ mindsets and help them become more benevolent, competent, independent, and satisfied. I also hope to learn a lot and unleash my own potential. The most direct route to changing the world is to change people.

I’m a very private person and I’m determined to do my best to stay anonymous. I write under pen names and I have no official social media presence. That might become necessary at some point, but for now, I have no interest or desire for anything like that. I just want to ponder and write. I hope that my readers draw immense value from my efforts.

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