Character Building by Jamais Jochim

Character Building (Writer's Resource Book 1) by Jamais Jochim

Character Building by Jamais Jochim

Writer’s Resource: Character Building is all about creating characters that work for your world and provides some great ideas for building characters.

There are great ideas for using diversity to effect, ways to take advantage of extras and NPCs, and even some incredible tips for artists.

Character Building by Jamais Jochim

About the Author

I’m the guy who knows every last fact about Spider-man and if I don’t I’ll track it down. I love bad movies, enjoy table-top gaming, and probably would drive you crazy if you weren’t ready for it.

I have ADHD but refer to it as “hyperkinesis” because it sounds like a super-power. It means that I can be disorganized to the naked eye, but in reality, I probably have a reason for the clutter and you may actually like it.

I write books that I would like. This means that the characters are those you would want to have a drink with, maybe talk about philosophy, and maybe game with.

The plots involve a little humor, some romance, and maybe even some weirdness. In short: If you like 1980s movies you should enjoy them.

My books on style and management are how I’d like to do it, so expect some weirdness but it’s the kind of weirdness you can get behind. I hope you enjoy my books; I enjoyed writing them!

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