Story Time By Daigo Hoshiko

Story Time By Daigo Hoshiko

Story Time By Daigo Hoshiko

Story Time: A Collection of Inspiring Short Stories By Daigo Hoshiko

The collection of 18 super short stories is designed to offer readers a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities. They are an exercise in brevity, exploring the many facets of human experience through the lens of fiction. Some stories are fable-like, providing a satisfying ending. Others leave the reader with more questions than answers: What will Dr. Ava Jenkins do when she discovers one of her patients to be a vampire? What will William the clockmaker do with all his time? What memory treasures the timekeeper’s daughter above all others? Let’s find out together!

Story Time By Daigo Hoshiko

About the Author

Daigo Hoshiko is an inceptive author. Challenging the status quo, he doesn’t fear using assistive technologies like ChatGPT to combine his wits and creativity with AI’s smooth writing.

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