New Beginnings: An Anthology of First Kisses and Fresh Starts by Ruby South

New Beginnings: An Anthology of First Kisses and Fresh Starts by Ruby South

New Beginnings: An Anthology of First Kisses and Fresh Starts by Ruby South

A collection of 20 short “flash fiction” romance stories by Ruby South.

Do you remember your first kiss? The rush of emotions, the anticipation, the fear of getting it wrong? It’s a moment you never forget. In this collection, we explore the unforgettable experiences of teens and young adults as they navigate the ups and downs of falling in love. From awkward encounters to unforgettable romance, these stories will make you laugh, cry, and remember the heart-pounding thrill of a first kiss.

Love and Allergies
Aiden and Hannah attend their school dance as friends, but Aiden longs for something more. After an awkward sneeze ruins his attempt to communicate how he feels, he wonders if he’ll ever get another chance.

A Splash of Romance
Sirena is hoping for a kiss from her crush during their class trip to the aquarium, but doubt creeps in as they near the end of the tour with no kiss.

Lost Phone
A lost phone leads to a chance encounter between two childhood sweethearts on a beach boardwalk.

Sick Days
When Dylan falls sick with the flu, his friend Sarah makes it her mission to care for him. As she nurses him back to health, Dylan realizes he has feelings for her, but he also learns that another guy has already asked her out. Will he tell Sarah how he feels and risk their friendship, or keep quiet and regret it later?

Stuck in an Elevator
Former enemies Vinnie and Kate find themselves stuck in an elevator and are forced to confront their rocky past.

A Kiss Worth Waiting For
Jessa and Mason are on their fifth date, and he still hasn’t kissed her yet. Will today be the day?

Spin the Bottle
Melanie attends a party that her crush, Liam, is also attending. A game of spin the bottle ensues with results far beyond anything she expected.

Call Your Crush
Caden likes Amy, but he’s never had the courage to tell her. When a game of chance requires him to call his crush in front of his friends, one of whom is Amy, he’s forced to choose between dialing her number or copping out.

School Play
Maddy worries about the on-stage kiss she’s supposed to share with her new friend and co-star, Jackson.

The Interrupted Kiss
Dave wants nothing more than to kiss his date, but a series of comical interruptions prevents him from doing so.

Timid Hearts
Two very shy teenagers share a first kiss.

Across Distance and Time
Noelle is confused when Jared kisses her before leaving for basic training. Was it just a friendly goodbye, or could it mean something more?

Magic in the Air
Olivia’s love for magic leads her to meet Ryan, a charismatic aspiring magician who sweeps her off her feet.

Blind Date
Beth agrees to a blind date arranged by her friend, but her preconceived notions threaten to ruin the evening.

Jen’s Choice
Carlos watches his friends compete for the affection of the girl he secretly likes. What will she do when they pressure her to choose?

Second Chance
Ava regrets turning Isaac down in high school. Will he be willing to give her a second chance?

Youth Camp Bet
Sam is excited for camp, but when she loses a bet and has to kiss a random boy, the experience leaves her feeling foolish and ashamed.

Love at the Zoo
After a failed attempt at romance in the past, Chase is afraid to express his feelings to Anna again. But a surprise trip to the zoo for her birthday might just change that.

Waiting Out the Storm
One stormy night during a power outage, Cassia and Andrew share an unexpected moment that changes their friendship forever.

A Hike to Remember
Ethan and Leah go hiking together in the mountains and get lost. Now Leah is panicking, and Ethan has to find a way to ease her fears.

New Beginnings: An Anthology of First Kisses and Fresh Starts by Ruby South

About the Author

Ruby South is a new YA romance author. Keep an eye out for her upcoming work!

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