A Fighting Chance by Jade Marshall

A Fighting Chance by Jade Marshall

What happens when the love of your life falls back into your life? Literally.

Alistair Chance has known Mercedes Cole her entire life. They grew up right next door to each other. But he didn’t know how to deal with his adolescent crush and ended up pushing away. Now she is back in Severn, five years later, and looking better than ever.

They are explosive and constantly at each other’s throats but soon, an outside threat will force them to work through their problems, whether they want to or not. But there is more than a stalker to worry about.

Can love flourish where secrets reside or are they doomed to forever love each other from afar?

A Fighting Chance by Jade Marshall

About the Author

Jade Marshall, I was born and raised in South Africa; I now live in the Northern Cape in a small mining community called Kathu. At 35 years old, I have been with my husband for 16 years, although we have only been married for nine. Together, we have a beautiful 16-year-old daughter.

I wanted to follow my passion for writing for years but always doubted myself. After finding my publisher and releasing my first novel, I was able to build up my confidence and move forward with my fledgling career.

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