Slut Shamed by the Church by Cyndi Jo Holiday

Slut Shamed by the Church by Cyndi Jo Holiday

Slut Shamed by the Church is a powerful true story of one woman’s incredible faith journey amidst life’s painful struggles. As a young child she is abducted by her alcoholic father. She is burned in a fire; she is bullied ruthlessly throughout school. She endures domestic violence in the home and sexual trauma outside the home. She finds herself in two very physically violent relationships.

As painful and confusing as life is, these hurts cannot compare to the hurts that she faces from the people who profess to want to reach out to and help hurting people, who promise to love others as Jesus loved. In church she is faced with scorn, gossip, and slander. She is the target of jokes, slut shaming and worse. Everywhere she goes in church she faces accusations and isolation. She is told she is demon possessed, and that she is beyond any hope of salvation. She lives in constant fear and torment that what the church people has told her is true that she has sinned too much for God to forgive her. All because she is like the majority of women in the United States that fails to live up to the church’s strict demands of purity and abstinence before marriage. As a result, her life tends to spiral out of control, and she wrestles with thoughts of suicide. Through it all, Cyndi Jo discovers a God who loves her unconditionally and never gives up on her. Slut Shamed by the Church is a powerful and inspirational true story.

She came from a broken home. She was abducted by her alcoholic father at the age of two. She grew up in poverty and in foster homes. She was ruthlessly bullied throughout school. She endured domestic violence in the home and sexual trauma outside the home. She endured a lifelong struggle with mental illness.

Nothing compared to the hurt and confusion that she experienced in Church. The people who promised to love her like Jesus loved her gossiped about her, slandered her, rejected her and much worse. All because she was like the majority of women in America who failed to live up to the church’s strict standards of purity. Will Cyndi Jo ever recover from the confusion and trauma she experiences from those in the church she goes to for help?

Find out in this one-of-a-kind true story of sin and redemption, mercy, and forgiveness. See how Cyndi Jo discovers God’s love for her is unconditional.

Slut Shamed by the Church by Cyndi Jo Holiday

About the Author

Cyndi Jo Holiday is one woman with one voice, hoping to spark a movement where people come forward and tell their stories. Throughout her life, Cyndi Jo has spoken to dozens of people who have been hurt by people within church who have inflicted deep emotional scars when they failed to love as Jesus loved. According to Cyndi Jo, Christians have the power to heal or hurt people more than one else because they claim to represent God. As a result, Many hurting people have turned away from faith in God because of those hurts. Cyndi Jo hopes they will see that while people’s love fails, God’s love never fails.

Slut Shamed By The Church was written to edify the church and share Christ’s love with hurting and broken people. Many people have experienced various forms of hurt within church. It is a painful reality that is rarely acknowledged by the church. Often people within churches don’t realize how their words and actions hurt the people they claim to desire to help the most.

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