Mick and the Big Bone by Shlomo Goldman

Mick and the Big Bone by Shlomo Goldman

Mick, the puppy, loves to do many things, but he likes to chew bones. One day while at the beach, he is so happy to find a big bone and is happy with what he found. But he suddenly sees another puppy with a bone twice as thick in the water. Mick immediately wants the bigger bone and leaps into the water to snatch it. Will he get the biggest bone in town? Will he learn to enjoy what he already has?

This bedtime picture book is a children’s reading book for (ages 3-5) inspired by one of Aesop’s fables and teaches kids to enjoy what they have.

Mick and the Big Bone by Shlomo Goldman

About the Author

Shlomo Goldman:  I live in Jerusalem and work in academia, but it was my upcoming fatherhood, awaiting the birth of my first child, that inspired me, filled me with excitement, and motivated me to write stories for children. I believe that people can learn from stories, children included, and I want my stories to deliver a message of virtue through storytelling and fun reading for kids. My first English children’s book on Amazon, ‘Mick and the Big Bone,’ is about enjoying what you have. I am already working on my next book, ‘Bobby and His Hobby,’ about empathy and friendship, and it will soon be available on Amazon.

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