Glass Half Broken by Rachel Richards

Glass Half Broken by Rachel Richards

When the people Annie love mysteriously vanish one by one, how will she uncover the secret that lies trapped inside her own deceptive mind?

Annie knows there’s something wrong with her. A child genius with crippling social anxiety and a compulsion for tearing at her wrist, Annie struggles to please her reputation-obsessed mother. Annie’s dad is the only one who understands her. But when he runs off on a spiritual quest during a manic episode, Annie blames herself.

As she matures, Annie’s grief is reignited each time someone she cares about mysteriously disappears without a trace. Suspecting she’s gone insane, Annie learns she can’t trust anyone, least of all herself. When she finally discovers the shocking truth, Annie’s next move could mean the difference between life and death.

Glass Half Broken is a fast-paced domestic thriller packed with mystery and a shocking twist!

Glass Half Broken by Rachel Richards

About the Author

Author of the Amazon bestseller Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind, Rachel Richards has always been fascinated by psychological disorders and integrative health. When she’s not writing, Rachel is a licensed massage therapist with a private practice, and hosts a hugely popular YouTube channel dedicated to teaching self-massage and wellness. Rachel lives in Manhattan with her husband and young daughter—whose vivid fantasy world inspired Glass Half Broken.

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