The Core of Rage by Dagmar Rokita

The Core of Rage by Dagmar Rokita

The Core of Rage by Dagmar Rokita

After years of tension, war has finally come to the Union worlds. Hordes of rebels, seeking revenge for their lost worlds, ravage the Peripheral Zones.

One of the leaders of the rebellion is Charon Antares. When another one of his braver mission ends in disaster, the rich and powerful sovereign plans to deprive him of his authority. To save his status, Antares agrees to execute her insane order that may cost the lives of thousands of his people.

A young and easy-going girl named Cerridwen lives in a peaceful world. When she finds out about the tragedy that happened to her family, she vows revenge, but without collaboration with Antares and the rebels, she will not be able to fulfil her plan.

Meanwhile, a group of the Union scientists decides to end the rebel’s invasions, once and for all – they build a deadly, inhumane weapon out of sight of the government.

For fans of: Halo, Warhammer, Battlestar Galactica

The Core of Rage by Dagmar Rokita

About the Author

Dagmar Rokita is a Polish writer and an artist. She writes and illustrates dark sci-fi series called “Bloodstained Skies”. There are two things that inspire her: imaginary world of geek culture and the deepest corners of human psychology. Huge doses of heavy metal and history are her creative fuel. She wants to become a famous artist because she needs money to buy sophisticated food for her cat.

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