The Gambler’s Pretty Prize by Carry Cockburn

The Gambler’s Pretty Prize by Carry Cockburn

The Gambler’s Pretty Prize by Carry Cockburn

 It was her Papa’s mistake…

However, Lady Chloe Fitzgerald was left with no option other than to try and rectify matters in an attempt to save the family abode. The very real prospect of losing the manor house made her visit Count Armstrong’s apartment and the meeting concluded with an opportunity for her to pay off her father’s gambling debt.

It was not an agreement which Chloe relished though. Agreeing to it put her under the control of a dominant, older man for one night and it wasn’t only him in attendance. Summoning the will to give in took all her strength. At least, that’s what she tried to tell herself, but acquiescing to every sordid game brought shameful, unwanted desires roiling up from deep inside as she let herself become a gambler’s pretty prize.

The Gambler’s Pretty Prize by Carry Cockburn

About the Author

Carry Cockburn was born in Scotland in 1966 to a Thai mother and Scottish Father. Now living and working in Thailand the focus of attention these days is on erotic writing. The works are intended for an adult audience and come from a vivid imagination and a lifetime of experiences of sex.

Writing in a sensual, sexy and descriptive manner the aim is to get readers involved in the story and on the bed (or elsewhere!!) with the characters.

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