Fair Wind by Freya Pickard

Fair Wind by Freya Pickard

Fair Wind by Freya Pickard

Their mission was simple – to rescue Lally and Derri from the evil kaerlings. But catching up with the kaerlings proves to be anything but simple.

Lored and his companions are on a rescue mission but first they have to endure a sea voyage.

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It’s a beautifully written story and I find all of the characters interesting. The descriptions, particularly of the sea voyage, were fabulous. I can feel myself being present in the places described. There are lots of hints of problems to come and foreshadowing which all adds to a sense of mystery.” E Baxter

Lored and Otta are struck down with seasickness. Tari finds herself nursing a man she fears and a woman she hates. And Erl has worries of his own…

Can the companions conceal Otta’s kaerling heritage when they land on the Isle of Kiros? And, how will Lored find the herb woman who has the remedy he and Otta will need when they set sail again in pursuit of the kaerlings?

Thwarted at every turn, Lored finds himself agreeing to help the Kirridians without even knowing what needs to be done. Everything seems to be against the companions; how will they overcome the obstacles in their path?

Fair Wind follows the travels of Lored, Tari, Otta and Erl as they seek to rescue two people who have been abducted by the evil kaerlings. This is the eighth volume in the epic fantasy saga that is The Kaerling.

Each book in the series can be read by itself, or, as part of the chronological sequence. The reader doesn’t have to have read previous volumes, but can simply step into the story at any point in the journey.

Each book in the series can be read by itself, or, as part of the chronological sequence. The reader doesn’t have to have read previous volumes, but can simply step into the story at any point in the journey.

This is a must read series for all fantasy and dark fantasy lovers.

Fair Wind by Freya Pickard

About the Author

Pushcart Prize nominee, Freya Pickard, is the quirky, unusual author of The Kaerling series, an epic fantasy set in the strange and wonderful world of Nirunen.

A cancer survivor, she writes mainly dark fantasy tales and creates expressive poetry in order to leach the darkness from her soul. She finds that writing about the dark times of life allows her to appreciate and enjoy the lighter moments more. She has learnt not be afraid but to embrace the dark.

Her aim in life is to enchant, entertain and engage with readers through her writing. She finds her inspiration in the ocean, the moors, beautifully written books and vinyl music (particularly heavy metal and rock). She enjoys Hatha Yoga, Bhangra and Yogalates and in her spare time creates water colours and pastel drawings of the worlds in her head.

Freya doesn’t promote escapism. Rather, she invites readers to immerse themselves in her world and return to their own, feeling refreshed and renewed.

She doesn’t write stories that are cosy or comfortable with happy endings because her experience of life has been quite the opposite. Instead, she writes real books. Books that contain characters with both light and darkness within them. Her characters are all flawed, some more so than others.

Freya’s writing is vivid and imaginative. If, like her, you prefer to read books that allow you to make up your own mind about the themes within the plot, rather than being spoon-fed political propaganda, you will love her works. If you can embrace the light along with the dark and aren’t squeamish about meat-eaters, death, sexual acts or swear words, you and Freya will get on well together.

Dark fantasy means that things in Freya’s novels aren’t necessarily politically correct and contain scenes of violence and unacceptable sexual behaviour, as well issues such as slavery, prejudice and human sacrifice.

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