Because You Came By Bobbie X King

Because You Came By Bobbie X King

Because You Came By Bobbie X King

 “Because You Came” – Unveiling the Hidden Truths

Dive into the gripping pages of “Because You Came,” the captivating new release that will leave you breathless. Follow Jona, a young protagonist who embarks on an emotional quest to unearth the deep secrets his best friend concealed before her tragic demise.

In this heart-wrenching tale, you will join Jona on a journey of self-discovery as he delves into a web of mysteries, hidden motives, and unanswered questions. With every turn of the page, you will feel the weight of his determination, his longing to uncover the truth, and the bittersweet memories that bind him to his beloved friend.

“Because You Came” will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride, immersing you in the turmoil of Jona’s emotions and the memories that haunt him. Guided by love and fueled by his relentless pursuit of truth, Jona’s journey will grip your heart and keep you captivated until the very end.

Because You Came By Bobbie X King

About the Author

Bobbie X King is a mysterious author who prefers to remain anonymous. When she’s not writing, Bobbie loves to read and get lost in the pages of a good book.

She also enjoys taking long walks, which she claims make her feel like an old lady. Bobbie has a quirky side and has been known to listen to Christmas songs in July.

Although not much is known about her personal life, Readers will appreciate her creativity and the escape she provides through her writing.

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