Quest by David Skipper

Quest by David Skipper

Quest by David Skipper

“Be careful, Tom. Your power is growing. Now that our worlds are again at their closest, if you do not use it to destroy Prince Aldred, he will use it to find you…”
The pocket watch is the key to it all. Tom got it from an old pedlar a couple of years ago, the day before his parents were killed in a boating accident.
Now the watch is ticking backwards, and Tom and his school friend Doug are in another world.
With danger lurking around every corner, Tom and Doug must use all their wits and courage to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.
Can they complete their mission, or will they fall victim to the perils that await them?

Quest by David Skipper

About the Author

David Skipper was born in 1962 and grew up on a housing estate in the heart of industrial Teesside. An avid film fan, he started at sixteen to write screenplays and short stories and to make his own Super 8 movies. He is the author of three other novels for young people, Runners, Shadowshow, Life on the Line and Barnstormers. He lives in Norton, where, since leaving school, he has worked as a laboratory technician.

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