Dragon Brood by Michael Lasco

Dragon Brood by Michael Lasco

Dragon Brood by Michael Lasco

Rowena ‘Ro’ McKinlay has lived on Scotland’s Hamlin Island her whole life. An island where nothing exciting ever happens. Until the day a parcel shows up at her door. A parcel that isn’t meant for Ro. A parcel containing three exotic reptile hatchlings who quickly display abilities she can only think of as … supernatural.

Hatchlings that someone powerful and dangerous is willing to kill for.

Ro doesn’t want to use the d-word about these creatures (they can’t possibly be that!). But to protect her island from disaster—and to protect them—she’ll have to take them to their rightful custodian: the mysterious woman known only as The Keeper…

That’s if the people chasing them don’t kill her first.

File under: fire-breathing, invisibility, magic battles, secret societies, and the d-word (dragons!).

Dragon Brood by Michael Lasco

About the Author

Michael Lasco is an introvert wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, hiding behind a website. After all, it’s about the stories, not the author. Please find out more on his Goodreads or Amazon profiles…

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