Arkham Anonoymous By Antoinette Cancelliere

Arkham Anonoymous By Antoinette Cancelliere

Arkham Anonoymous By Antoinette Cancelliere

As you walk into the basement, people sitting in a circle tell stories of cosmic horrors. Stories that cannot and should not be told depict a man stuck inside a never-ending nightmare. The dream filled with horrors embodies; a college student searching for the nameless church only to find oblivion, an assassin sent to kill a demonic rabbit and a young, trans woman kidnapped for sacrifice to an underground cult. The stories defy all comprehension. Welcome to Arkham Anonymous.

Arkham Anonoymous By Antoinette Cancelliere

About the Author

Ani Cancelliere lives in Banshee, PA with her six cats.

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