Astronaut Took My Wife by Clara Brume

Astronaut Took My Wife by Clara Brume

Astronaut Took My Wife by Clara Brume

Astronaut Took My Wife: A Hotwife Erotic Story by Clara Brume

Veronica is a brilliant scientist and astronaut currently orbiting Earth in an international space station.

And she’s set her sights on solving one of the greatest challenges of our time – how to get nasty in zero gravity.

There’s only one problem for this horny hotwife. Her husband isn’t with her on the space station. He’s watching from ground control, two hundred and fifty miles away.

Fortunately for Veronica, a jaw-droppingly sexy Norwegian astronaut has just stepped onboard. And he’s gagging to get involved in her filthy science experiment.

But will Veronica’s husband help or hinder this illicit and very unsanctioned space mission?

A creatively explicit hotwife erotic story. For adult readers only.

Astronaut Took My Wife by Clara Brume

About the Author

I’m Clara Brume, and I write sensual stories about horny hotwives who love having fun. In an oversaturated market drowning in low-effort writing, it can be a challenge to find well-authored erotica. That’s why, with my background in award-winning journalism and science communication, my passion and commitment to crafting only the hottest and best-quality erotic stories. It’s also why I know you’ll love my books about horny hotwives.

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