How to Find a Job by Anita Job

How to Find a Job by Anita Job

How to Find a Job by Anita Job

Looking for how to get a job with structured job search techniques? This short guide will provide you with 3 tasks to complete each day to move you closer to finding meaningful employment.

Who is this guide for?
1. High School/University/College graduates entering the workforce or in the school-to-work transition
2. Career counselors, life coaches, and human resource professionals
3. Employers announcing layoffs gifting this resource to laid-off employees
4. Anyone in a career pivot changing industries or job titles mid-career
5. Employment agencies and student career centers looking for tools to help clients
6. Immigrants and refugees setting up their life in a foreign country
7. Educators, school administrators, professors & guidance counselors
8. Entrepreneurs looking for more leads in starting your own business

Discover non-traditional yet effective strategies to find the job you love instead of applying online.

How to Find a Job by Anita Job

Anita Job’s Books

About the Author

I started writing in 2020 because it was the year that many people in my network were changing careers. I had previously made a few transitions myself and felt I could share my knowledge with them to avoid common pitfalls and a variety of strategies that had worked for me in the past. My intent was to communicate positive, practical questions to guide them in whatever was next for them. As I journeyed with them, some rebounded quickly while others took a little longer, and they all landed on their feet eventually, happy with what they found. I hope from reading my book that’s your experience too!

In my free time, I enjoy volunteering, learning, and spending time with friends and family. I enjoy traveling and trying new things, especially new recipes! In the summer you’ll find me conquering the next mountain peak or paddling in my kayak. In the winter, a perfect day might involve watching hockey or curling up on the couch with a good book.

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