Akeron Unleashed by Rick Harbor

Akeron Unleashed by Rick Harbor

Akeron Unleashed by Rick Harbor

In the future, humanity reaches faster light speed, awakening a group of aliens that dwell on the moon, averting humankind from being a spacefaring civilization. Nevertheless, human nations united to repel this extraterrestrial martial force, summoning an elite squad of mech pilots. Tensions rise as the pilots struggle to cope with the burden of being humanity’s last hope against strange enemy technology.

This sci-fi novella is a thrilling, fast-paced story that will appeal to science and military fiction fans with its blend of high-octane mecha action, gripping storyline, and memorable characters. So, readers will be plunged into a story that blends drama with gritty action.

Akeron Unleashed by Rick Harbor

About the Author

Rick Harbor spends evenings writing tales about anti-heroes, warrior maidens, and werewolf sorcerers. A fantasy novel and Norse sagas fanatic for years, Harbor began writing his first book to appease his creative spirit. As well as writing, Harbor enjoys outdoor activities, for he is a nature lover, and anywhere within the trees is his happy place. He lives a tranquil life in his home with his sidekick and stubborn cat.

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