YuFu’s Run 1 by Rayner Ye

YuFu’s Run 1 by Rayner Ye

YuFu’s Run 1 by Rayner Ye

All he want is to retire in peace.

YuFu works on a lunar methane rig, dreaming of the day he can retire to the planet and live in peace with his family. But he has to flee into space when he is framed for a terrorist attack he didn’t commit.

Can he prove his innocence while being pursued by police and killer cyborgs?

And who is assassinating government officials?


Note: YuFu curses

YuFu’s Run 1 by Rayner Ye

About the Author

Hey. My name’s Rayner, and I love writing scifi and fantasy. I hope you enjoy my three free series starters, Five Light-Years to the Firesnake, Cyborg Assassin 1, and YuFu’s Run 1.

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