Novus Dies By Schalk Holloway

Novus Dies By Schalk Holloway

Novus Dies By Schalk Holloway

The year is 2364. Robotics and advanced communication technology are failing inexplicably. As if in concert, hostile militant factions are adapting and attacking faster than the Collective—the preeminent society of the age—can respond.

The epicenter is the Durban Reclamation Zone. After a frightening robot-on-human attack, husband and wife operator team, Kate and Monty Park, are tasked to investigate.

Like all members of the Special Task Force, the Park’s are decorated and retired warfighters with proven track records, and usually only called in when security operations might need heavy hitters.

When the investigation starts unfolding at neck-breaking speed, the Parks quickly find themselves outside the Collective perimeter, in areas of the metro that have been long forgotten or that few even knew existed.

To make matters worse, they notice subtle signs that their squad of security robots might be going rogue, and they begin to question whether they can trust the hardware that they rely on to protect them.

Assets are destroyed, lives are lost, and before long the military is placed on standby. Throughout the upheaval and chaos, one thing becomes certain: what Kate and Monty Park discover in the next 72 hours will usher humanity into a new era.

Novus Dies By Schalk Holloway

About the Author

Schalk Holloway is a subject literature author in the fields of Christian ministry, as well as professional combative instruction. His first book, ‘Die Groot Storie’, was traditionally published by Struik Christian Media (CSM is the preeminent publisher for Christian books in South Africa), and can be found on the shelves of most South African chain bookstores.

‘The Maul Book‘, co-authored by Gavin Coleman, as well as his ‘Schalk’s Little Book Series‘, can be found on Amazon.

In 2022 Schalk suffered a severe injury leading to multiple surgeries and a long period of recovery. Subsequently, he retired from certain instructional and operational environments.

He is now enjoying an independent career as a novelist. His first novel, ‘The Brooklyn Saga’, is a crossover between psychological thriller and realistic fiction. These books draw inspiration from his extensive experience running interventions and operations in at-risk communities.

Schalk is currently working on more titles for his ‘Little Book Series’ as well as the hard and military sci-fi series, ‘The Posterity Doctrine’.

Neurodivergence and C/PTSD themes feature strongly in all of Schalk’s tales.

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