Roller Coasters Made Of Dream Space by Peter J. Dellolio

Roller Coasters Made Of Dream Space by Peter J. Dellolio

Roller Coasters Made Of Dream Space by Peter J. Dellolio

 A collection of surreal writings. Like Dali paintings in words. This collection of poems exhibits a touch of vivid imagination and delicate whimsy. The poems are at their finest when they are written in a straightforward and unembellished manner. The language used in these poems is characterized by its straightforwardness and clarity.

Roller Coasters Made Of Dream Space by Peter J. Dellolio

About the Author

Born 1956 New York City. NYU 1978. Poetry collections “A Box Of Crazy Toys” published 2018 by Xenos Books/Chelsea Editions, “Bloodstream Is An Illusion Of Rubies Counting Fireplaces” published February 2023, and “Roller Coasters Made Of Dream Space” published November 2023 by Cyberwit/Rochak Publishing.

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