Breaking Moscow Charter by KJ Backford

Breaking Moscow Charter by KJ Backford

Breaking Moscow Charter by KJ Backford

Breaking Moscow Charter: A Riveting Spy Mystery Thriller of Espionage, Betrayal & Battle for the Future of AI (American Tech Executive on Business Abroad Confronts Espionage and Crime Mysteries)

Breaking Moscow Charter by KJ Backford

The tagline mentions espionage, betrayal, and AI, a potent mix of thrilling elements that pique my interest. The international setting (American abroad) adds a layer of complexity and potential tension.

Based on the author’s limited information about the book, I’m inclined to give “Breaking Moscow Charter” a chance. The combination of familiar tropes and potentially unique elements like AI and international intrigue make it sound enjoyable. However, I would read reviews or synopsis before fully committing to see if the specific execution fulfills the intriguing premise.

About the Author

I grew up living in many places around the world. After graduate degrees and a rewarding career in Silicon Valley, I now focus on writing. I strive to combine real-world experience and knowledge to create inspiring characters within interesting, intricate thrillers and mysteries.

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