Severed by Jason Rosensteel

Severed by Jason Rosensteel

Severed by Jason Rosensteel

 A society suffers great injustice in the form of a despot, bent on maintaining control.
In their wildest imaginations, the people couldn’t remember a time without bloodshed.
The citizens are eking out an existence, but they crave true freedom.

Vibrant adolescents are actively earning scabs while sharing family meals in Nana’s immaculate kitchen.
Lately, the latest generation has been sharing quite a bit of time with the greatest generation.
All the while, their hard-working parents struggle to raise kids in a culture of ambiguity.

The brightest minds on the planet work diligently to avoid a cataclysm.
Looking desperately into a void of uncertainty, they await extinction while fighting starvation.
Sustainable development hasn’t been much of a friend, yet they endure.

Three anti-utopian futures, spread across very different cultures, all racing against time.
Each staggering inside their own unique circumstances.
Will they come together to discover what they’ve been missing?

Severed by Jason Rosensteel

About the Author

Jason grew up in the United States as a child of the 1970s and 1980s. He survived both the austerity measures of a recession, and the decadence of a yuppy decade. Yet, no matter what the next ten year cycle would bring, he still found the United States of America amazing.

Raised mainly in Massachusetts, and other parts of the Northeast, he was an active kid who enjoyed the traditional values of our proud culture. America was a place to behold, and though not perfect, it certainly was a place to live a dream.

Cutting his teeth in the corporate world, Jason spent many years utilizing his skillset to greatly enrich the companies he’d worked for. Providing a nice backdrop, his heart was finally completed with the addition of four children, whom he very much adores.

As an adult, he reestablished his foundational pillars of Christianity, and now finds ample inspiration in creative works.

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