Forget Not All His Benefits by Darrell Stevens

Forget Not All His Benefits by Darrell Stevens

Forget Not All His Benefits by Darrell Stevens

This book will not go into a lengthy study of all of God’s benefits but will focus on a few of them and show how to claim them in your life. This way, we can have something to focus on and be thankful for while we wander through this crooked and perverse world. Psalm 103 is a great Psalm to read daily because it just seems to wash away the muck and mire that likes to cling to us as we walk through our lives.

When we stop and take the focus off of ourselves and put it back upon the one who created the heavens and the earth, He can be whatever we need Him to be for us. Then, light appears at the end of that tunnel for us. We suddenly have direction and purpose, a real reason to take another step instead of being afraid to move.

Psalm 103:1-5 Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

Forget Not All His Benefits by Darrell Stevens

About the Author

Darrell Stevens, who hails from the State of Wisconsin. He grew up in a Two-Denominational home, where his father tried to raise him as a Catholic, while his mother tried to get him to be a Jehovah’s Witness. However, the Catholic upbringing did not sit well with him, and he decided to escape it at an early age. On the other hand, his mother’s beliefs made her live as if she were in the last days, while he had a lot of life left to live. As a result, he attempted to read the Bible on his own, but like many others, he got lost in it.

In 1977, he was fortunate to come across a wonderful Ministry that taught him how to understand the Bible. He credits his belief in God and the teachings he received from the Ministry for the book he has authored. The book is a reflection of the author’s life experiences and his strong belief in God’s work in his life.

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