God’s Desires for You by Donna Wittlif: A Biblical Guide to Salvation

God's Desires for You by Donna Wittlif_ A Biblical Guide to Salvation

God’s Desires for You by Donna Wittlif

Are you looking for God? Would you like to live in heaven after you die? Are you afraid you will not be saved? God loves you. He wants you to live in heaven with Him so much that He came to earth and became a sacrifice for your sins.

His free gift is eternal life for those who love and obey Him. But is it possible to please God? Yes! The answers are found in the Bible. If you want to know what God desires you to do to please Him so you will be in heaven, this book is for you. Its answers are straight from the Bible. David M., a pastor from West Virginia, wrote, “As a minister, I am often asked, ‘What does God want me to do?’

This book answers that question. A good study for anyone who truly wants God’s will in his life.” Helen in Florida said, “I always doubted my salvation. This book reassured me that I am saved. It is so very comforting and encouraging, and I’m glad I read it.”

God’s Desires for You by Donna Wittlif

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will bring you closer to God and help you understand His desires for your life? Look no further than Donna Wittlif’s enlightening book, “God’s Desires for You”!

In a world filled with uncertainty and doubt, it’s easy to feel lost and disconnected from our Creator. We may find ourselves questioning our faith, wondering if we’re truly saved, and searching for answers to life’s biggest questions. That’s where this book comes in – it’s a beacon of hope and guidance for anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God and find peace in His eternal love.

Donna Wittlif has crafted a powerful and inspiring guide that draws its wisdom straight from the ultimate source of truth: the Bible. Through careful study and interpretation of Scripture, she reveals the keys to pleasing God and living a life that aligns with His divine will. From the very first page, you’ll feel the warmth and compassion of Donna’s words, as she reminds us that God loves us unconditionally and desires nothing more than for us to spend eternity with Him in heaven.

But “God’s Desires for You” isn’t just a feel-good read – it’s a practical roadmap for spiritual growth and transformation. Donna tackles tough questions head-on, providing clear and concise answers that will help you navigate the challenges of the Christian life with confidence and grace. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned saint, you’ll find valuable insights and encouragement that will strengthen your faith and deepen your understanding of God’s character and purposes.

But don’t just take my word for it – see what other readers have to say! Pastor David M. from West Virginia raves, “As a minister, I am often asked, ‘What does God want me to do?’ This book answers that question. A good study for anyone who truly wants God’s will in his life.” And Helen from Florida shares, “I always doubted my salvation. This book reassured me that I am saved. It is so very comforting and encouraging, and I’m glad I read it.”

If you’re ready to experience the joy, peace, and purpose that come from living in alignment with God’s desires for your life, then “God’s Desires for You” is the book for you. With its biblical insights, practical wisdom, and heartfelt encouragement, this book is a must-read for anyone who longs to draw closer to their Heavenly Father and find their true home in His eternal embrace.

“God’s Desires for You” is a life-changing guide that reveals the keys to pleasing God and finding peace in His eternal love, with biblical insights and heartfelt encouragement.

Self-Pub Man

About the Author

Donna Wittlif has taken many Bible courses in college and has been been a Bible class teacher most of her adult life. She has written several books, including a women’s class study on prayer and prayer journal. She also writes fiction. Besides writing and studying the Bible, Donna enjoys gardening and being with her family and friends. She lives in Texas with her husband.

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