Travesty by Katherine Black: An Anthology (A Murmuration of Silence)

Travesty by Katherine Black_ An Anthology (A Murmuration of Silence)

Travesty by Katherine Black

Katherine Black uses emotions and characters to manipulate your senses until they ache.

This collection of fictional stories born of dark things living in the author’s head. It’s about the power of the human condition—and its weakness. It is a collection of intense stories written with passion and insight. Some are so tragic they can break a heart. Every piece in the book is tinged with human emotion—kindness, colour, darkness, or autumn tones.

While some women dipped in the supermarket freezers for frozen peas, Katherine wonders how a body would fit. Would you have to break their arms and legs to get them in? What do frozen eyes look like? She has a head full of psychopaths. Sometimes, they need to be let out. This book is the result of their freedom.

You will find thought-provoking, bleak, kind, harsh, gentle—and dark— stories that will make you uncomfortable.

If it weren’t so shocking, it would be a…Travesty.

Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster ride with “Travesty,” Katherine Black’s latest anthology of dark and twisted tales that will leave you questioning the very nature of the human condition. This collection of stories, born from the darkest recesses of the author’s mind, is a testament to the power and weakness of the human spirit.

What sets “Travesty” apart is Black’s uncanny ability to manipulate your senses through her use of emotions and characters. Each story is tinged with a different shade of human emotion, from kindness and color to darkness and autumn tones. Some are so tragic that they can break your heart, while others will make you feel uncomfortable.

But it’s not just the emotional depth of these stories that will leave you reeling. Black’s writing is as sharp as a knife, cutting through everyday life’s veneer to reveal the human psyche’s dark underbelly. From the woman who wonders how a body would fit in a supermarket freezer to the psychopaths that roam the pages of this book, each character is a study in the extremes of human behavior.

Black’s prose is beautiful and grotesque, and she has a gift for creating an atmosphere of unrelenting dread that will keep you turning the pages long into the night. The pacing is masterful, with each story building to a shocking climax that will leave you breathless.

But what truly sets “Travesty” apart is how it forces us to confront the darkest parts of ourselves. Through these stories, we are reminded of the fragility of our morality and the ease with which we can slip into the abyss of our own making.

So, if you’re ready for a journey into the darkest corners of the human mind, “Travesty” is the book for you. But be warned: this is not a collection for the faint of heart. This is Katherine Black at her most daring and uncompromising, and the only way out is through the nightmare she has so masterfully crafted.

“Travesty” is a haunting and visceral exploration of the darkest corners of the human psyche, showcasing Katherine Black’s masterful storytelling at its most daring and uncompromising.

Self-Pub Man

Travesty by Katherine Black

About the Author

Katherine Black, a South Shields native, lives in the stunning British Lake District with her partner, father-in-law (who has Alzheimer’s), and four delightfully dysfunctional pets. Between caring for her father-in-law and managing her quirky menagerie – Teagan, the snoozing German shepherd; Echo, the world’s loudest cat; Trevalion, the escape-artist iguana; and Ravnica, the silent but cat-loving python – Katherine finds time to pursue her passion for writing.

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