The Christmas Quest by Tara Taffera

The Christmas Quest by Tara Taffera

The Christmas Quest by Tara Taffera

Will a series of twelve letters, in the spirit of the Twelve Days of Christmas, help a husband win back his estranged wife and reignite her love for Christmas—and for him?

It’s the holiday season and all Lori wants to do is ignore it. After her daughter died and her husband left, the spark of Christmas has been snuffed out. But can a series of letters from her estranged husband reignite the flame of hope and love in her heart?

When Paul realizes his mistakes, he sets up twelve Christmas Quests—a series of letters and dates designed to win back his wife—to amend for the pain he inflicted. Will he succeed? Or be forced to face a lifetime without the only woman he has ever loved?

The Christmas Quest by Tara Taffera

About the Author

Tara Taffera is an avid reader and the author of four books, including the complete, A Divine Love Series (three books). She writes sweet romance and contemporary Christian romance. Book two and three in her series, Love Unfailing, and Love Reunited, won the silver medal in the 2022 and 2023 Illumination Book Awards in the romance category. Love Reunited was nominated in the romance category in the 2023 Christian Indie Awards.
She lives in Virginia with her husband of more than 25 years, a non-reader himself who provides valuable advice on her books—all those baseball scenes! He is one of her biggest cheerleaders, along with her three daughters.
You can find Tara on all the major social media platforms, and her books are available on Amazon.

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