In The Beginning… Man Created God? by Brandon Irving


In The Beginning… Man Created God? by Brandon Irving

Did God create man, or did man create God?

This provocative exploration delves into the heart of religious belief, challenging readers to question the foundations of faith. By examining the parallels between Christianity and ancient mythologies, In The Beginning… Man Created God? exposes inconsistencies and contradictions within sacred texts.

Author Brandon Irving invites you to embark on a journey of critical inquiry, urging you to move beyond unquestioning acceptance of dogma. Discover how human imagination and cultural evolution may have shaped the divine narratives we hold dear. Are you ready to redefine your understanding of faith and purpose?

This book is for those seeking a deeper, more intellectually stimulating exploration of spirituality.

In The Beginning… Man Created God? by Brandon Irving

About the Author

Brandon Irving is a first-time author and lives in Northeastern Oklahoma, smack dab in the Bible Belt. Brandon received an Associate’s degree from Oklahoma Wesleyan University (a Christian School). He has worked at the same utility company for the last 27 years and supervises two different departments locally for one of the largest electric utility companies in the country. Brandon also owns two small businesses and has a deep passion for sharing the truths that he has discovered.

Brandon was born and raised in the church and believed in the tenets of the Christian faith for most of his life. As life unfolds, one begins to question certain things. This curiosity is what happened to Brandon. So he began to investigate his belief system, and what better way to do so than to read the book you claim to believe? It did not take him long to realize that the Bible is about believing in magic.

This book is his first attempt at being an author, but it occurred to him that if uneducated first-century peasants could pull it off with great success, maybe he should also take a crack at it.

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