The Portal by Skye Ballantyne

The Portal by Skye Ballantyne

The Portal by Skye Ballantyne

At three years old, Hunter witnessed his father’s death, saw his mother kidnapped, and had his sister stolen from him. It’s a night that set him up on a journey that would change his entire path in life.
Years later, Hunter is on the verge of avenging his family and village when he happens upon a trio that could change his life in ways he didn’t think possible.

The Portal by Skye Ballantyne

About the Author

Skye Ballantyne has always had the desire to write from a young age. She had stories that she just had to get down onto paper; stories that refused to be silent. They needed to be shared with the world. As she grew, she desired to write a story that would make people feel the same way she did when she read some of her favorite books. She took to writing and hasn’t looked back since.

Skye also enjoys helping people and bringing awareness to different social causes to help make this world a better place to live in, one with more love and acceptance.

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