Finding Maisy By K.D. Elledge

Finding Maisy By K.D. Elledge

Finding Maisy By K.D. Elledge

Maisy Murray has been a missing person for a year…but she’s very much alive. She escapes the monsters in suits only to find herself held against her will by a man claiming to want to help.
Maisy must decide if she can trust this new stranger or flee for the hills. Nothing is what it seems. Maisy is on a journey of discovering the truth, rediscovering herself, and learning to love again.
This suspenseful book will have you devouring it in one sitting.

Finding Maisy By K.D. Elledge

About the Author

I am an avid reader and new author. I live in rural North Carolina with my husband and four children. I work full-time in X-Ray and write every chance I get. I live inside my head in an endless cascade of characters and ideas.

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