Everdark: Metacosm Chronicles Book One By N.A. Soleil


Everdark: Metacosm Chronicles Book One By N.A. Soleil

“If I stay … I’ll kill them all.”

Sixteen year old Redd is a runaway with psionic powers and PTSD.

While escaping the parents who experimented on her, Redd unwittingly opens a portal to a planet populated by the last remnant of the angelic species. Trouble follows. With nowhere else to go, she is caught up in an intergalactic conflict: the militant, space-faring Rangers and their allies must prevent the fortress Everdark, the angels’ last bastion, from being overrun by evil forces.

The abuse Redd survived takes its toll in the form of nightmares, mood swings, and paranoia — but there is comfort in combat, so she joins the front line. There, she discovers that she can wield terrible power at the behest of a mysterious entity residing somewhere within her, though the transaction is not in her favor. Clinging to an often nebulous connection to shared reality, she becomes inextricably involved with more than just the battle to protect the angels.

The events of Everdark are the key to a mechanism that, with Redd and her companions as integral gears, will start a countdown. And at zero … a shift in the core of the metacosm, one written into its very code before Time began.

Everdark: Metacosm Chronicles Book One By N.A. Soleil

About the Author

N.A. Soleil is a portmanteau pseudonym of the two authors’ names; partners in life, crime, and snark since 2006, N and A Soleil have spent almost two decades developing the science fantasy universe of the Metacosm. Chronicles. N is an AuDHD creative magpie with the genetic disorder Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and A is a combat veteran with severe C-PTSD.

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