The Mouse That Couldn’t Squeak by Donald Gold

The Mouse That Couldn’t Squeak by Donald Gold

In the small village of Peaceful, Joshua, a new member of the Cheddar family, is born.

However, Joshua isn’t your regular mouse; he can’t squeak! Because of this, Joshua is constantly looked down upon and made fun of by other mice.

Meanwhile, Joshua’s family is prevented from gathering food by a ruthless trio of cats that lurk just outside their door.

To prove that he is just as good as any other mouse, Joshua ventures into the cat’s territory to gather cheese for his family.

Will Joshua manage to save his family, or will he be pounced on before uttering a single squeak?

The Mouse That Couldn’t Squeak by Donald Gold

About the Author

Donald Gold is an American author who started writing his first book in 1984.

After many years he was able to publish it in its finished state as The Mouse That Couldn’t Squeak. Donald likes to spend time with his family, where he is now a proud grandpa.

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