Unbreakable Bonds by Marc Wisdom

Unbreakable Bonds by Marc Wisdom

Unbreakable Bonds by Marc Wisdom

In a world ravaged by the merciless Squeeze virus, where society has crumbled and danger lurks around every corner, two gripping storylines unfold, painting a vivid picture of survival, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds that hold us together in the face of unimaginable adversity.

Lance and Gwen, a young couple immune to the deadly virus, find themselves trapped in the sinister GSA Detention Center, their lives hanging in the balance as they become unwilling subjects of brutal experiments and relentless interrogations. With only their love and an unyielding determination to keep them going, they must navigate a treacherous web of secrets, forging unlikely alliances and plotting a daring escape that could either lead to their freedom or seal their fate forever.

Meanwhile, Michael and John, two survivors who have lost everything, lead a ragtag group of refugees on a perilous journey across the post-apocalyptic landscape of Georgia. Bound by their shared trauma and an unwavering commitment to one another, they search for a legendary safe haven known as Tallulah Gorge, their only hope for a future beyond the nightmare that has consumed the world. But with the ruthless V Troopers hot on their heels and the constant threat of starvation, sickness, and betrayal looming over them, they must confront the darkness within themselves and make heart-wrenching decisions to protect the ones they love.

As the two storylines intertwine, shocking revelations come to light, blurring the lines between friend and foe, and testing the limits of the human spirit. Unbreakable Bonds is a thrilling testament to the power of love, sacrifice, and the indomitable will to survive against all odds. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Unbreakable Bonds by Marc Wisdom

About the Author

Marc Wisdom, the creative force behind The Squeeze Saga, was born in St. Louis, Missouri in the early 1960s. From a young age, Marc’s imagination set him apart, often entertaining his peers with spontaneous storytelling. This natural gift for narrative evolved into a passion for writing during his middle school years, when he began committing his tales to paper and developed an interest in journalism.

Marc’s journey as a storyteller took an unexpected turn during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world grappled with unprecedented challenges, the seeds of The Squeeze Saga were sown in Marc’s mind. Drawing from the global atmosphere of uncertainty and resilience, he crafted a narrative that goes beyond typical dystopian tropes. At its core, The Squeeze Saga is a testament to the power of loyalty, love, and the extraordinary lengths people will go to protect their loved ones in the face of oppression.

With his roots in the American Midwest and a lifetime of honing his storytelling craft, Marc Wisdom brings a unique perspective to the world of dystopian fiction. His work in The Squeeze Saga reflects not only his vivid imagination but also his keen observations of human nature and societal dynamics. Through his writing, Wisdom invites readers to explore the boundaries of courage, the strength of human bonds, and the enduring spirit of hope in even the darkest of times.

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