The Chosen by S.L. Sparks

The Chosen by S.L. Sparks

Not everything that shimmers is silver or clear. Read the twisted tales of beautiful but dangerous creatures that have been roaming our planet since time immemorial. Kayla has just met them, but the Argent triplets don’t seem to be able to get enough of her! The Chosen is the second book in the series with many more to follow. Kayla has not one but three encounters with the triplets, reaching from ectasy to a sharp crash back to reality. But is it her reality or theirs? Read on and travel through the lives of the Argents and how an intricate web links their lives together!

The Chosen by S.L. Sparks

About the Author

S.L Sparks is an Inde author and loves fantasizing and writing paranormal romance stories, she enjoys the thrill of being part of something unique and exciting.

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