The Ministry Communications Unit by Gordon Smith

Ministry Communications Unit by Gordon Smith

The Ministry Communications Unit by Gordon Smith

Young men and young women with developing passion for each other and then their horror at the sinking of a hospital ship shortly after their joy of an intimate moment. A loved one goes missing in action, and the dramatic events that followed. Being a civilian group reporting to the head of the defense ministry and so could not be hindered by the military in their tasks,. They were relied on not to expose any details that may give the enemy intelligence. Even more surprising would be the developments occurring in Hollywood, Canberra, North Queensland, and war-torn South East Asia.

The Ministry Communications Unit by Gordon Smith

About the Author

The author took an interest in researching their family after retirement, which led to the writing of their first book, “A Family that went to War.” After that, he wrote several more books, including “An Australian Story,” a fictional book about a government-run movie company during World War 2, a biographical novel about a Jewish woman, a non-fiction account of events in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, a romance story about a widow, a book about a small Australian town in the late 1930s, and a story about three siblings in the Australian outback. The author is now in the process of adapting their fictional stories into screenplays for television or movies.

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