The Macabre Masterpiece: Repressed Carnage by Justin Bienvenue

The Macabre Masterpiece Repressed Carnage by Justin Bienvenue

The Macabre Masterpiece: Repressed Carnage by Justin Bienvenue

Are you ready for a spine-tingling adventure? Visit five places that horror enthusiasts will love! Begin by exploring a crypt where ancient terrors are still very much alive. Then, venture into a cemetery where the dead are reanimated and roaming free.

Take a peek inside the morgue to encounter some of the most wicked and monstrous anomalies in horror history. Enter an asylum inhabited by more than just the mentally ill. Lastly, visit a crematorium and witness the aftermath of destruction…

Just keep in mind, the true horror may lie within yourself.

Experience the ultimate horror with The Macabre Masterpiece: Repressed Carnage, a collection of chilling poems and stories. With no censorship, it is guaranteed to keep you up at night. If you enjoyed the first book, you’ll love the second installment in the series.

The Macabre Masterpiece: Repressed Carnage by Justin Bienvenue

About the Author

Justin Bienvenue is an indie author and poet of 11 books. He mainly writes horror and poetry. His first book, The Macabre Masterpiece is a 5x #1 most downloaded book for contemporary poetry on Amazon. His 3rd book Like A Box of Chocolates is a 1-time #1 most downloaded book for Contemporary and American poetry on Amazon. His most recent novels are Of Gears and Gaslight, a steampunk novel, and The Wax Papers, the third book in the Wax Factory series. Besides books, he also has poems and short stories published in over 18 anthologies.

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