Financial Fives by Gary Grewal

Financial Fives by Gary Grewal

The Top 325 Ways to Save, Earn, and Thrive to Retire Before 65

These days we are more protective of our free time than ever, and we should be. Why waste it on a book that will regurgitate the same financial advice when you can grab this quick read and absorb easily-implemented money hacks?

There isn’t a book out there that is easy to follow, concise, and densely packed with useful advice and actionable tips at the turn of each page.

Whether it’s learning about steps to negotiate rent on the subway ride home, or finding out how to save on festivals and events while waiting for your lunch order, Financial Fives will be your handy toolkit.

The goal of Financial Fives is to provide easy-to-follow tips in areas of personal finance that are applicable to the average reader, to absorb ideas effectively, and also to refer back to for easy reading. This book can help you retire early, negotiate a pay raise, save money on home renovations, save money on your wedding, buy a home, become debt-free, and more!

And unique chapters on things like saving money at festivals, getting the most money out of travel and hotels, and even how to make the most of launching your business idea!

Financial Fives by Gary Grewal

About the Author

My name is Gary Grewal, I grew up in Northern California and over the last 6 years have lived in every time zone in the contiguous United States. I love biking, tennis, water sports, and vegan food. I took a career in financial planning because I feel personal finance knowledge can truly change the direction of someone’s life in a drastic, positive manner. I’ve started two businesses, bought and sold 7 different cars, and negotiated almost everything I can while becoming more involved with volunteering and philanthropy.

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