Shadow Walker (Shadow Walker #1) by Jina Bazzar

Shadow Walker (Shadow Walker #1) by Jina Bazzar

Shadow Walker (Shadow Walker #1) by Jina Bazzar

Nine Houses rule the nation, and Melaina stays away from them at all costs. She lives by one hard rule: never mingle with the supernatural. Driven by fear of discovery, she remains on the fringes of society, occasionally stealing to provide for her aunt and her brother. When the opportunity to work for a corporation not owned by a House falls into her lap, she can’t believe her luck. With a forged non-magical certification in hand, she’s ready to embrace a bright future. Unfortunately, the future is an ambush by blackmailing thugs, notorious assassins, and an unscrupulous House leader. Entrenched in House conflict, Melaina’s dream of normalcy has turned into her worst nightmare. Now, to save her brother and family secrets, she’ll have to partake in one last dangerous heist. Success means exposing her forbidden magic, but failure could cost the lives of everyone she loves.

Shadow Walker (Shadow Walker #1) by Jina Bazzar

About the Author

I’m a freelance writer, a blogger, a mother, a baker, a chocolate fiend, a coffee enthusiast, and sometimes a poet. A wanderer in this vast world, I’m just another body with a passion for the written word. There is no boundary I can’t cross, no limit I can’t push; my mind is my passport, my thoughts my mode of transportation. I was born and raised in a quiet, small town in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I’ve had a happy and fulfilling childhood. Like most writers out there, my love of books began at a young age. Unlike most authors out there, I never aspired to become one. Soon after high school graduation I developed a chronic disease that caused gradual vision loss. I was blind at the age of twenty-three, and reading became one of many things I could no longer do. That is, until I started working for an organization for women with disabilities and learned about screen readers. After I quit my job, I picked up reading with vengeance, but soon realized it was no longer enough, and so I started writing, this time with an aim to pursue a career. Heir of Ashes is my debut novel, a creation born from my love of anything fairy, of action-packed stories and a touch of romance. Besides fiction, I’ve written dozens of articles for Conscious Talk magazine, on topics of health, food, poetry and the writer’s life. When I’m not writing or networking on social media, you can find me in the kitchen, listening to loud music while baking (often misshapen) goodies, or cooking favorite dishes. My inspiration comes from most anything, a discussion, a friend, an animal or plant, events, memories, music, etc – in other words, from life itself.

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