A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis

A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis

A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis

A Conjuring of Ravens (A Practical Guide to Sorcery Book 1) by Azalea Ellis

 In a world where magic is a science, Siobhan is a genius.
But even geniuses need schooling.

Siobhan has just been banned from the country’s only magical university. As the unwitting accomplice to the theft of a priceless magical artifact, she has suddenly become a wanted criminal. There are fates worse than death, and if caught, she will face them. Unwilling to give up on her dream of becoming the world’s most powerful sorcerer, she resolves to do whatever it takes to change her fate.

Even if it means magically disguising herself as a man and indebting herself to a gang of criminals to pay for University tuition.

With the coppers after her, the pressure of trying to keep her spot in the devilishly competitive magic classes, and the gang calling in favors to repay her debts, Siobhan will need every drop of magic she can channel.

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A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis

About the Author

Azalea Ellis is the author of the Seeds of Chaos and Practical Guide to Sorcery series, and like most authors, is an avid reader herself. Creating worlds and people and then putting them through every ordeal imaginable might even give her some kind of sick thrill. Maybe that’s why she likes writing books.

Or perhaps she just likes taking things from her head and bringing them to life.

She’s fascinated by almost everything, and wishes she could live to be a thousand, so she would have time to learn and do everything she wants. She sometimes makes weird noises when she’s alone by herself, and she loves to interact with her readers.

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