A Viking’s Home by C.J. Lingzero

A Viking’s Home by C.J. Lingzero

A Viking’s Home by C.J. Lingzero

When a dream evolves from a fond wish to a necessity, what can one do besides everything in their power to bring that vision to life? Upon the arrival of his longships, Magnus begins to build his empire in Britannia. Will he and his family create a lasting legacy as chaos consumes the land, or will they simply be crushed like so many before?

A Viking’s Home by C.J. Lingzero

About the Author

I’m not quite sure the genre I fit into, but I find that where I write significantly influences the story’s mood and how it unfolds. I wrote my most recent book freehand, and while understanding and editing my hurried scribbles was a nightmare, I loved writing without a filter and letting the story tell itself. My writing process: I start with an idea and do little to no planning unless an idea comes to me that I must fit in somehow. I love exploring how different characters would uniquely handle situations, and I hope my characters feel real because of that. While perhaps not the best time to get into writing, given the artificial competition churning out hundreds of books a day, I have found something special in writing that I wish I had found years ago. I’m still learning to spin a yarn, but I hope my improvement is evident from book to book. These are my stories, my filtering of the world around me into fiction, and I hope you enjoy them.

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