Androgynous Love by Renette Haramis

Androgynous Love by Renette Haramis

Androgynous Love by Renette Haramis

A traumatized Dominant Alpha billionaire who can’t stand women or omegas is forced to endure living with a new housekeeper after having locked himself away from society for nearly ten years, But there is something strange about the new housekeeper and it intrigues him more daily.

Androgynous Love is the story about a young recessive male omega who has to hide his gender due to circumstances, he falls in love with the dominant alpha he is supposed to be looking after as his housekeeper while deceiving him and acting as if he is a woman.

Andrew had been through a great deal of trauma ten years ago when he was kidnapped, drugged and used as a sex slave for breeding dominant Alphas, since then the billionaire CEO has been hiding away on his country estate out of the eye of the world, and all females. He hates women especially Omegas with their nauseating scent that triggers his horrifying back flashes and nightmares. His best friend Jonathan has other ideas; he enlists the help of a young recessive Omega to bring Andrew back into the fold of society.

It’s been ten long years since Andrew has been touched by a woman of any kind, and he will be damned if this housekeeper comes anywhere near him. Tatum Adams recessive Omega and Andrew Pearce’s new housekeeper is a “Jabber addict” who can’t stop talking when nervous, and being around Andrew Pearce will make any sane person very nervous. Andrew Pearce is bad-tempered, rude and above all else hot as hell. Jonathan only told Andrew that he is getting a new housekeeper; Andrew assumed it was a woman, but assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

Tatum could scent him clearly he was definitely a dominant alpha and he was sure Mr. Pearce was testing him. Tatum gulped at the threat of Mr. Pearce biting him, it was turning him on, but he had to get out now. Before Mr. Pearce’s scent triggered him to start releasing slick or forced him into heat. “E-excuse me!” Tatum exclaimed.

Tatum tried to bolt from the room, but Mr. Pearce grabbed him as he tried to go past him and slammed him into the wall. Pressing Tatum flush against the wall he grabbed both of his arms and held them in his grip above Tatum’s head.

“M-mr. P-pearce!” Tatum gasped Tatum’s deep brown eyes went round from shock and he stuttered trying to ask Andrew what he was doing. “W-w-what a-are you d-doing?”

The moment Mr. Pearce pressed him against the wall Tatum could see the intensity in his eyes, he could also feel it. “I did tell you not to come in without permission, didn’t I, you did not listen.

You need to be punished.” Andrew ground out. “Oh,” Tatum exclaimed. He had pushed himself against Tatum deliberately to scare her, his erection throbbing and hard against her stomach.

He wanted to know if she was an omega and he was going to find out one way or another. Holding Tatum fast, he pressed his manhood into her abdomen as she was quite a bit shorter than him.

He put his knee between her legs and applied pressure. I’ve got to get out of here right now before I get turned on further the moment I get an erection the game is up Tatum thought furiously. “Isn’t this what you wanted Tatum?” Andrew hissed through his lips.

“N-no S-sir!” Tatum whispered too anxious to speak louder. “Isn’t this why you disobeyed me, you want to be punished?

You want me to take you here and now? Isn’t this why you are here? This is what Jonathan put you up to right? You’re here to seduce me with your sexy voice and even sexier ass, that’s why you’re in my bedroom again? Are you just some omega slut Jonathan paid top dollar to fuck this recluse back into society? Tell Me!!!” He screamed into Tatum’s face.

Androgynous Love by Renette Haramis

About the Author

Hi there, I’m Renette Haramis, I spend my days writing and reading and for fun, I read what I wrote, actually, that’s a lie I love to read various genres, my favourite being fantasy and crime novels. My all-time favourite Author is Terry Pratchett, I’ve read all his books multiple times.

I’m from sunny South Africa, where walks on the beach are a great inspiration. My favourite genre to write in is LGBTQ+ and Paranormal Romance but I do write conventional romance novels as well. Many of my novels are based on an alternate universe called the Omegaverse, where there are Alphas and Omegas who are a human evolution species. Alphas are intelligent, and strong physically (which means HOT & WELL BUILT) and they are known to be aggressive and possessive. Omegas are warm-hearted, always beautiful, possessing certain traits of evolution and the men can generally also bear children if they are knotted while in heat. (Awe puppy love🐶) Omegas are also very intelligent possessing far superior intellect than normal Betas.

Alphas and Omegas secrete pheromones which trigger physical and sometimes emotional responses in each other, while Betas cannot pick up on these pheromones they can still be influenced by the dominants of both evolution species. Read; Androgynous Love to find out more about Alphas and Omegas as well as give yourself the opportunity to experience a new type of novel, Androgynous Love has suspense, hate, love and some hanky panky.

Androgynous love is a MM novel and is sure to pull at your heartstrings as well as make you angry meaning I’ve caught you, hook line and sinker. Remember to follow me, just because you can and I would appreciate it❤️ Have an awesome rest of the day Much love Renette Haramis

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