Around the World with Moby – My First Trip by Muzna Kazim
Around the World with Moby: My First Trip, Moby’s parents take him on a journey that includes a 3-hour flight, a hotel stay and exploring the city of Minneapolis.
Travel anxiety can be very challenging for kids on the spectrum. Lights, sounds, people, changes in the schedule, and unpredictability can all be overwhelming for them.
Moby dislikes changes in his daily routine and finds comfort in repeating the same activities at home daily. His parents were concerned that Moby was missing out on many new learning opportunities since he was not exploring the World outside his home.
So the parents decide to take him on a short vacation to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The parents prepared him for the trip by implementing helpful strategies to cope with his fear and anxiety.
The story is inspired by Muzna’s experience with her son on the spectrum, who had travel anxiety. Implementing strategies discussed in the report has helped him manage his fear and become an avid traveler.