Badfreaky by Konstantinos Adamopoulos

Badfreaky by Konstantinos Adamopoulos

Badfreaky – The meanest witch (The life of Badfreaky the witch Book 1)

A four-year-old girl, Marily, lives happily with her parents, a good witch called Goodypie, and her husband Mr. Goodweather.

One day while Goodypie was boiling some plants and flowers in her big cooking pot, Marily falls into the pot and turns into the notorious Badfreaky, the meanest witch!

Badfreaky by Konstantinos Adamopoulos

About the Author

I am a teacher at a Primary School in Athens, Greece. I live here with my wife and my daughter Marily. I like sports, traveling and fairy tales. This book is the first of a series of books. I am now writing the fourth book of the series.

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