Battle Cruiser Elite By Sam Whittaker

Battle Cruiser Elite By Sam Whittaker

Battle Cruiser Elite By Sam Whittaker

The universe is a playground for the ultra-rich, and Jay has found himself aboard the ultimate luxury cruise.

But this isn’t your ordinary vacation – it’s a Luxury Warfare experience, where the passengers battle each other with simulated weapons and technology.

What Jay is after, though, has nothing to do with the games.

Worse, when an alien race arrives to reclaim their planet, the Luxury Warfare cruise is the only thing standing in their way.

Battle Cruiser Elite By Sam Whittaker

About the Author

Sam has written over twenty books in the Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror genres. He’s got plenty of ideas for more, too.

He lives in Oregon with his family. He has taken to writing by dictation, which he claims has “tripled my writing productivity.”

He likes to joke that he now writes faster than he reads.

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