Being Breast Aware by Dr Manisha Pandey

Being Breast Aware by Dr Manisha Pandey

Being Breast Aware by Dr Manisha Pandey

Breast Cancer has emerged as the number one cancer killer of women globally.
Ironically, lives can be saved by early detection. Being breast-aware is the only way forward for this.
The book aims to create awareness about breast problems in women, specifically breast cancer. Nine stories from real life, set against an Indian societal backdrop, illustrate what women need to know about breast health.
It’s a life saver!

Being Breast Aware by Dr Manisha Pandey

About the Author

Dr. Manisha Pandey, MBBS, MS(O&G),PGDMH has worked ,for over 30 years, as a Senior Consultant in Public health.She is a bestselling author and healthpreneur who is passionate about promoting women’s health awareness, parenting, adolescent health, and stress management.

She enjoys traveling in addition to being a bibliophile. She has traveled extensively experiencing diverse cultures and bonding with people — always viewing the world through her own kaleidoscope – she is a dreamer and a storyteller.She looks upto classical music for relaxation.

Her writing, usually women-centric, is based on her encounters with various shades of human nature from various cultures. She is involved with several non-governmental organizations in her mission to empower women through health promotion

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