Beneath Two Worlds by Ruth Easterling

Beneath Two Worlds by Ruth Easterling

Beneath Two Worlds by Ruth Easterling

In the aftermath of losing her baby girl at 25 weeks, Sloane Warwick’s world shatters further when her husband is murdered by the sinister Claude. A mysterious note and key thrust her into a new realm, where allies Grayson and Ella guide her in unlocking hidden powers. With Claude’s relentless pursuit to open a portal to Hell, Sloane must confront her grief and depression to stand against him. Joined by a dragon, she fights for her world’s freedom against Claude’s malevolent grasp.

Beneath Two Worlds by Ruth Easterling

About the Author

Based in Jackson, Michigan, forty- year old Ruth Easterling has been writing for most of her life and has always dreamed of publishing a book of her own. Ruth leads a quiet life by reading and working night shifts. She is married to a wonderful man who plays a positive role in her life. Ruth is a cat lover and owns several cats. She’s an introverted and quiet person who would love to travel the world someday.

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