Beyond Belief by Kyle Campbell

Beyond Belief by Kyle Campbell

Beyond Belief: How Living with a Brain Stem Tumor Brought Faith and Purpose to Life

Those with brain tumors, disabilities, barriers, challenges, or anyone going through anything… we cannot do it on our own!

Pain and suffering are all around us. Through this thing we call life, we experience so much that just flat-out stinks. Things are out of our control.

Why do bad things happen when there’s no reason for it?

Why do five-year-olds get life-threatening brain stem tumors?

What kind of hope is there ever to have an answer for a question like that?

What is there to believe in these days?

In this book, Kyle will share with you his journey of living with an inoperable brain stem tumor, having radiation, experiencing daily impairments, and the ups and downs he (and his family) have faced along the way.

He’ll also share his answer to the question of why me? After learning about Kyle’s unique medical journey, faith journey, and educational journey, Beyond Belief will show you how to:

• Let go of ‘control’ and be content in any situation you’re facing
• Build and/or restore hope and joy in your life with the right foundation
• Prioritize what matters and stop pursuing the distractions around you
• Start living on purpose with confident conviction

Time is ticking… What’s your answer to how we should live? What will you find Beyond Belief?

Beyond Belief by Kyle Campbell

About the Author

Diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumor at age five, Kyle’s life has been full of twists and turns. Even after radiation therapy and lots of doctor visits, he still experiences the effects of his brain stem tumor daily. However, thirty years after diagnosis and thriving, Kyle has realized how precious life really is, how we cannot do it on our own, and how important it is to live on purpose with faith, focus, and flexibility. Kyle has earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, as well as a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from California State University, Fresno. He has been the recipient of multiple awards and scholarships and is a nationally certified Rehabilitation Counselor. Kyle currently holds a position serving students in higher education. Kyle Campbell is a Christian, a preacher, a poet, a philosopher, a professor, and an advocate… but some of his favorite identities are husband and father. Born and raised in the Central Valley of California, Kyle lives in Visalia with his wonderful wife, Lori, two amazing boys, a third boy on the way, and their dog, Macy.

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