Blaze Peppergrove to the Rescue by Lisa Adair

Blaze Peppergrove to the Rescue by Lisa Adair

Blaze Peppergrove to the Rescue by Lisa Adair

Blaze Peppergrove is a thrill-seeking-wingless fairy determined to full-fill his dreams in Evergreen Park. He has left his family and life as a garden fairy to seek adventure and fortune on his own terms. Living in the homeless fairy camp under the juniper trees isn’t easy, but Blaze finds himself meeting different fairies while working odd jobs to earn silver pieces.

After a disappointing job interview at the biggest fairy employment agency, Blaze decides to risk everything by taking on the rescue of a missing fairy in exchange for the lucrative reward offered—hoping this will be enough to start his own business to secure his financial independence, but first, he must navigate the dangers along the way.

Blaze Peppergrove to the Rescue by Lisa Adair

About the Author

Lisa Adair was born and raised in a small town in the forestry region of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. She enjoys camping, hiking, playing the guitar, and watching movies with her husband and their teenage children. Lisa has an English and a Science degree from the University of Saskatchewan, and a diploma from SIAST.

Taking her love of the mystery genre, Lisa self-published her debut Adult Fiction novel, The Puzzle Box in 2023. Using her own experiences to inspire the development of her characters and portrayal of small-town Saskatchewan life in the 1980s, Lisa released this novel as the first book in the series called The Glenmere Box Mysteries. She prefers writing about positive role models and characters on a journey to self-discovery and positive change. She is continuing her examination of her colourful characters and small town life with her in a second manuscript, currently underway with plans for a summer 2024 release.

Lisa Adair has also published a few short stories in the Youth Adult Fiction Fantasy genre under the series name Blaze Peppergrove Adventures. She hopes to explore more of this fantasy world about fairies and mythical creatures.

When Lisa is not writing, painting, scrapbooking, or playing the guitar, she enjoys camping and hiking in and around beautiful Saskatchewan, where she lives with her husband, children, and beloved rescue dog.

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