Bro. Bubba Redneck Bible Stories by William Lashley

Bro. Bubba Redneck Bible Stories by William Lashley

Bro. Bubba Redneck Bible Stories by William Lashley

The story of Adam and Eve like only Bro. Bubba can tell it. Bro. Bubba is a Redneck Bible scholar that reads the stories of the Bible, reading between the lines Bro. Bubba finds the stories you won’t hear from anyone else. So, jump in and explore the Bible like never before and join Bro. Bubba the Redneck Bible Scholar as he brings you each and every

Bro.Bubba Redneck Bible Stories by William Lashley

About the Author

I’m a father of 4, grandfather of 5. I’m a man after God’s own heart. I try to change the world one word at a time by shining a light on the life and miracles of Jesus. With so many negative influences in this world, He wants to bring positive influence and want to start with children.

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