Covid-19 666 and Artificial Intelligence Era by Edson Mkonge

Covid-19 666 and Artificial Intelligence Era by Edson Mkonge

Covid-19 666 and Artificial Intelligence Era by Edson Mkonge

Things that are happening in our world today, we have to think about, because everywhere in the world we see chaos and turmoil as well as outbreaks of terrible diseases like this disease that has recently emerged called COVID-19 virus, seas, lakes, and rivers polluted, trees are destroyed, climate change and thousands of people fleeing their countries to escape danger, disaster, famine, war, and death.

No wonder those people who are believed to be prophets foretold all these things as the apostle Peter said, “and we have a more sure word of prophecy. Edson the author of this book discusses the issues of faith, such as the current world events, especially the coronavirus disease, and the digital world.

What God has said in the scriptures of his prophets, for the future is frightening and disappointing, but there is hope for those who believe in God and his scriptures, that hope of a better, more peaceful, and happy life shines in the hearts of those who read this book.

Covid-19 666 and Artificial Intelligence Era by Edson Mkonge

About the Author

Edson Mkonge is a prolific author, speaker, stoic, youtuber and mult-talented who spends most of his time writing and consulting on the matter concerning spirituality, business and finance plus self-development areas.

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